Investment Strategy

Our Approach

Oakwide specializes in identifying and acquiring value-add multifamily properties within the West Los Angeles market. We enhance property value through two key strategies: 1) adding capital improvements and 2) streamlining operational costs by implementing institutionalized property management. Once repositioned, Oakwide employs a long-term asset management approach to oversee the stabilized properties. The criteria outlined below is used to identify multifamily properties for acquisition, value add, and asset management.

Acquisition Criteria






Residential Multifamily

Specializing in West Los Angeles

Value-Add, Core-Plus, Core

No size requirement; single asset or portfolio

Distressed or stabilized assets with operational or physical repositioning opportunities.

Investments Driven By Data

Oakwide employs a rigorous acquisitions process to secure high-quality properties aligned with our investment objectives. Prior to purchase, Oakwide conducts a thorough and detailed review, specifically targeting acquisitions with a value-add component. We seek out properties that may have been adversely affected by past mismanagement or inefficiencies, as well as those with an expansion or repositioning opportunity. All underwriting is done in-house to ensure meticulous attention to detail.


Leveraging a rich repository of underwriting data in our database, we meticulously identify and pursue prime investment opportunities. In addition to current market analysis, we harness technology to assess a property’s true value and inform our investment strategies.





We employ multiple value-add improvements tailored specifically to each investment. With a singular focus on value-add multifamily in the West Los Angeles region, we possess the specialized knowledge to fully optimize both the operational and physical elements of each property.





We blend our institutional asset management processes with professional third-party property management. Our hands-on involvement extends across the entire investment lifecycle – ensuring ongoing value creation for the property and our tenants.

Our Submarkets


Oakwide is a multifamily real estate investment firm that invests in real estate directly and in partnership with high net worth and institutional investors. Guided by a steadfast buy-and-hold investment philosophy, Oakwide acquires multifamily real estate in the prestigious West Los Angeles neighborhoods of Beverly Hills, Century City, Santa Monica, Malibu, Brentwood, Westwood, and West Hollywood.